Monday, January 9, 2012

My Best Friend

This is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance is totally unintended.

Everybody has friends. I do, too.

But there is one special friend. The One.

We've been together since pre-school.
She knows me better than I know myself.
She knows that I'm not okay even if I say the opposite.
She knows the stories behind the wry grins. Behind the tears not shed. Behind the swollen eyes. Behind the pink-ness in the cheeks.
She doesn't know my stories...she has lived them with me.
She has been there for me when I was fragile, when she knew an incorrect word here or there, could break me. Into pieces. Millions of them.

She is the best thing that has ever happened to me in the sixteen years of my existence. She chose to stick with me not only in the good times, but the ridiculously sad times. I love her. To pieces. Forever. Till the end.

We are and always will be inseparable. We're like conjoined twins. We're like family. We're always together. She makes me feel loved- in every sense of the word. She is the most important part of my life. Yes. Mum's there, too. I enjoy mum's company, but when I'm with her, everything is different. It's magical. It's so...special.
I know, that no matter how many times my priorities change, she will still be Number One. Always. We never fight. It's amazing how we gel so well together.

She has been like a sister to me in the sixteen years. And I trust her to punch the guy who breaks my heart. She’s always been like that. Easy-going. Caring. Considerate.
Most of all, she listens. She listens patiently. She never interrupts. She gives unbiased advice. She doesn’t always agree with me. She knows when I’m wrong, and instead of plying along, she guides me to what is right. A mother, an elder sister, a role model-all rolled into one.

The bond we share is unbreakable. Nothing in this world can ever change what she means to me. Her value, I can never forget.

One fine day, Mum wanted me to go see the doctors. She thought it would be good for me. Therapists, she called them. I reluctantly obeyed.

They said something horrible about Her.
But then, They never knew her.
They never knew how much she meant to me.
They never knew how much she cared for me.
They never knew how she held me tight when everybody walked out.
They never knew how she protected me.
But it turned out, that she was always there, for me and only me.
They blamed my mental health.

One horrific word changed it all- SCHIZOPHRENIA

And my knees hugged my chest,
And I cried, for 5 days straight.
I cried till my tears dried.

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