Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nationals 2011 :)

Getting selected for the National School Games to represent Chandigarh, pretty amazing, eh? Well, I did. And these were the 6 days were the best memories. Memories which will last a lifetime. And there are pictures to remind us, so we never forget. :)
Everything seems like yesterday when we reached Pune, it all went by so fast, faster than i had imagined it to.
But we'll always cherish these memories. :D
And now, it's all back to normal, the same old routine, and I hate it.
Wearing that Chandigarh jersey makes me feel so proud, so good, so magical.
Overall, it was a VERY good experience. Sharing a room with 4 others was pretty tough though, but we managed somehow :P I got to know a lot of new people, cheered like hooligans for my team, bonded with friends, and well did stuff that I never would. It was all so amazing. Right from the opening, to the long walks, to eating the whole tub of Ice-cream to eating Subway/Domino's everyday and not even touching the mess food to calling each other names, to clicking endless amount of pictures to almost surviving on Coke to laughing at random people to listening to songs 24/7, even during matches to making fun of the other teams :P to eating 'Chotelal Best Kulfi' . It was one hell of an experience.
I'll miss our walks and talking till late nigh about almost everything, Saaaanya.
Thank you guys, for making this so special :D
I'll never forget these Nationals, and..
These memories are never gonna fade, NEVER.

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