Sunday, May 8, 2011


Miracles...are they for real?
Or is it just the movies? The mythological stories?

My mum says it's all about faith. If you have faith in God, for you, he exists. If you have faith in miracles, they do happen.

So if you want to see a miracle, just stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself. YOU ARE A MIRACLE.
You have been through the darkest days.
You've lived like there's no tomorrow.
You try until you succeed.
You lend your shoulder to a crying friend.
You're a source of inspiration to many.
You're an encouraging word to someone who's lost all hope.
You have to potential to do anything and everything.
You emerge as an hero out of the darkness.
You shine.
You, just you.
You don't pretend to be anyone.
You're strong enough to let go and lead a happy life.
You're happy by your own.
You smile. You sob. You laugh. You cry. You scream. You shout. You fall down. You get up back again.

It is all about faith. Have faith in yourself, cuz if you will not, who will? Keep your head held high and your chin up and take each day as it comes. Believe that all of us have our happy ending, believe in fiarytales, believe in happiness. But most of all, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

Love. Hope. Spread Joy. Have Faith. Believe. LIVE.