These are 10 random facts, which are a result of acute boredom. I just had nothing better to do. These are very very very random, and also very very very true.
Here goes nothing
2. I absolutely loathe Holi. Why? Because it is gross. It gives you dirty hair, pink teeth, a blue face and yellow arms. There was a time I used to look forward to Holi the entire year, and then people started playing Holi with everything except colours. Eggs. Mud. Grease.
3. I hate Maggi. It's yellow, slimy, and looks weird. Enough said.
4. I cannot, like CANNOT brush without the tap running. It's something I've always done. Hehehe. (PS- You can kill me for that,yeah,really)
5. I have a thing for black and white photographs. I will love anyone who gets a portfolio in black and white. Yeah. (Future husband, are you listening?)
6. I'm a feminist. A proud one, that is. And I don't think 'women dressing like sluts', or women going around the city 'after 8 pm' cause rapes; Rapists do. And and and, I HATE MALE CHAUVINISTS.
7. I don't like anyone touching my hair, my face,or my phone. It's just uncool. I' m not the touchy-feely types. It just pisses the hell out of me when someone touches my hair/phone/face, is it that difficult not to touch?
9. I cannot take a shower when the water is cold, even when its 45 degree Celsius outside. It's just too cold for me.
10. Also, I can't sleep without a blanket. I will switch on the AC, but I will never sleep without a blanket.