Thursday, August 30, 2012


Sometimes all you see is the glittering surface. The cracks are very intricately concealed. Each flaw, each imperfection is sealed with beauty. Everything that isn't perfect is hidden. Every little detail is taken care of. It's like make up, you can conceal all your wrinkles, the lines on your face and pigmentation, but what lies beneath all that is what YOU really are. 

Everyone wears a mask. 
Multiple, maybe. 
But none? Not possible.

However, in due course of time, there will be one person who from beneath hundreds of layers of perfection will dig out a human being. 
An imperfect, flawed, clumsy, forgetful, but a very beautiful human being, nonetheless. That person will accept you for who you are, without judging and they will be there. To hear you out. To let you cry. To listen to what you want to say. To make you 

And, when you find that person who can see right through all your fake masks and love you for who you are, you know you have achieved all there is to achieve.


  1. First of all, I like your blog title- Imperfection is individuality. In case you have not read 'Lust for life'- the biography of Vincent Gogh, you must read it, for it is an illustration of your blog title.
    Secondly, this post is so beautifully written. It has conveyed a very profound aspect of human behaviour in beautiful words. To survive in this world, we wear so many masks. We fear being judged. Please read this poem by Charles Finn. I shall post the link here:
    Keep writing....


    1. Hi,
      First of all, thanks for all the feedback. It's greatly appreciated.
      No, I have not read Lust for life but will make it a point to read it now :)
      And the poem by Charles Finn is a very beautiful poem, indeed.

      Thanks again!

  2. So beautifully written. This post has so much hope and honesty.
